23 persons, 2 days, 1 night

If you want to have a great time with your friends, then we are happy to assist you! More than that, we are ready to reduce the accommodation rate to 15%   if you arrive on Sunday.

A fun quest with a moderator, exciting drive, and mind-blowing puzzles as well as a delicious barbecue in the fresh air for dinner and scenic mountain landscapes as decorations waiting for you.

23 people, who decided to choose our hotel for a 2-day vacation, were satisfied with hospitality and high-quality service. The guests were not only pleasantly surprised by the discount on accommodation but also received a complimentary bonus in the form of a thermal pool and a Russian steam sauna “Banya”



  • 23 persons
  • 2 478 rubles per guest per one day
  • 2 days and 1 night
  • Complimentary breakfast for all guests
  • 15% discount
  • Complimentary steam bath and pool
  • 23,000 rubles for an interesting quest
  • 100% of satisfied guests!

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